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New Neonate Rack

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Posted by JP on May 02, 2003 at 08:54:36:

I posted this on the BP forum, but I thought I'd post it here as well.....My first clutch of the year should be hatching within the week, and I can't tell you how ready I am. I swear these eggs take like 9
months to hatch...The python fairy must be messing with my calander. 52 has come and gone and I finally squared
away a new neonate rack. I have room for this first clutch, but I was in a building mood. I'm really happy with how this rack came
out. It seems ideal for my use anyway. It stands exactly 5 ft. tall and is made out of 3/4 inch melamine. It holds 11 rubbermade
brand shoeboxes (#2217) vertically. I'm heating it with a 3 inch strip of flexwatt running vertically down the back. I bought the
melamine and had it cut at Lowes. If you have access to a table saw and some skills, I would reccomend cutting it yourself. The
kid at lows didn't exactly put alot of workmanship into my cuts, but they still came out pretty good (a few trapezoidal pieces, but I
go for functionality over looks any day). Anyhow, I thought I would share this rack. I'm probably going to build a few more.
Hopefully I'll be posting pictures of my new hatchlings as they emerge in the very near future. If you want, I'd be happy to scan in
the plans I made for this rack and e-mail them to you. Let me know! JP

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