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Boaphile rack question

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Posted by markg on April 30, 2003 at 16:41:54:

In Reply to: Boaphile rack question posted by chris_harper2 on April 30, 2003 at 11:41:12:

On his racks, the shelves are dadoed (spelling?) slightly into the sides and I believe into the back as well, though the back is hard to see if it is a daddo or not. I imagine that these daddo joints themselves keep the unit fairly rigid, and the glue just holds them there. This reduces the strength requirement of the glue joint.

Also, just a note on his 4ft cages, at least the ones from a year ago or so, he uses a steel bar bolted to the inside front top to give the necessary rigidity to the area around the door top. Otherwise a big boa could flex the door frame I would think.

I gotta hand it to the Boaphile. He thought out everything (trial and error too I'm sure) very well. His products make incredible use from the expanded PVC material. He seems to have solved every possible problem that could arise. Plus the laminated Flexwatt is a great idea. I've done that myself to make my own heat pads to whatever length I want.

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