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Rack design questions

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Posted by Jeannie on April 25, 2003 at 16:54:07:

I'm working on designing a rack to house a small collection of corn/kingsnakes and rosy boas. I have a few questions and hope to get some answers here.

1) I'm looking at Rubbermaid/Sterlite underbed boxes for the collubrids, but the boxes are only 6-7" high. Is that high enough, or do they need some climbing room (mine do seem to climb a bit)?

2) If the shelves are approx. 40" wide, will I have a problem with sagging in the middle? Will melamine shelves combat this problem?

3) How much of a gap should I have between the shelf above and the top of the box? Will I be able to keep neonate rosies in a lidless system (I'm thinking not...)? If I need to keep lids on my neonates, will their humidity stay low enough?

4) How many rows of holes are required for adequate ventilation in a lidless system? A lidded system?

Thanks very much to all who answer!


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