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Re: Rock Walls

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Posted by sblauvelt on April 20, 2003 at 01:18:02:

In Reply to: Rock Walls posted by Spo0ky on April 19, 2003 at 19:44:15:

Sorry, I can't help you choose what to use, but I do know that home improvement stores now carry color pigments specifically made for cement. Good luck!

:I want to make "rock" terrarium walls for my corns out of Styrofoam. My question is what exactly to put on the Styrofoam. If I use cement do I have to seal it? And if so, what are some non toxic sealants? I came across one site where someone used a couple of layers of tile adhesive for the "rock". It didn't say why they chose tile adhesive over cement but I believe it's because tile adhesive seals when it cures (please correct me if I'm wrong). I'm worried about using the tile adhesive because I'm not sure if it'd be toxic or not.

:Also, whether I use cement or tile adhesive, how would I color it? At first I thought maybe adding a little bit of food coloring to the wet cement/tile adhesive could work, but I think it may end up bleeding out. I also thought about adding some colored repti/calci-sand to the mixture, would that work? Has anyone tried it? Any other input or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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