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Posted by BrianSmith on May 09, 2003 at 04:25:27:

In Reply to: Do you have any current pics?? posted by Mark_and_Aimee on May 08, 2003 at 19:34:30:

Even though I find you incredibly rude and your post nothing short of confrontational and inciting, I will still honor your request for an adult picture of the female granite posted above. (actually,.. I posted an adult picture of her two days ago. It's toward the top of the forum, but I guess you missed it) And for the record, it's closer to 30 years that I have been keeping and or breeding large constrictors. Not a claim. A fact. You are right about one thing though,.. my current collection of morph pythons IS young. The oldest are not even quite 3 yrs old. This is simply because I only recently got into the morphs when I felt the time was right. Why are you so confrontational and provocational anyway? I really have to wonder. Are things not going so well with your own breeding and you feel the need to try to make others look somehow less than what they are? In a less than worthy attempt to make yourself appear somehow better? Sorry,. it just seems so obvious to me. For as long as I can remember your posts were just like this. Angry and centered on dimminishing others' accomplishments. Why don't you just try to relax and treat others how you would like to be treated? Maybe you can be liked that way.
Anyhow,. here is a picture taken just last night. This is the same female pictured above as a juvie from last year. I got tremendous growth out of her (as I do with 90% of my female pythons). She is past the size where measuring her with a tape is feasible so I mostly have to guess at her length. But she's BIG. But only 2 years old. Prime for breeding. She is pictured with a 7 foot yearling male albino labyrinth (No, not for breeding purposes, but to lend scale and scope. She will be paired with a granite het albino) Enjoy Mark. And try to be nice and not to criticize everyone. And good luck on your own breeding projects whatever they may be. :)

:All I've seen so far is little snakes... For someone who has been around for 20 years or whatever you claim - you sure do have a young collection.

::I am going to attempt to post two pictures here simultaneously. I tried it in the retic forum, but failed. I think it may be because I was adding an apostrophe between URL's. Anyhoo,... The first pic is of a female subadult albino granite burmese. This was taken about a year ago. She is now a hulking 13 foot monster and ready to go this coming season. She should be over 15 feet by September when I will breed her. She will be paired up with this Granite het albino male to produce 50/50 albino granites and granites het for albino. My other adult female albino granite will be paired with my unrelated albino granite male to produce all albino granites. As with 90% of my breeding stock these are Bob Clark original stock.


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