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CagesByDesign habitat for a 20+ ft, 100 pd + snake???

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on May 06, 2003 at 06:57:48:

In Reply to: CagesByDesign habitat for a 20+ ft, 100 pd + snake??? posted by abstractcypher on May 05, 2003 at 02:02:17:

This was one of the companies we were considering for our displays at the wildlife center I run. I asked ALL vendors being considered to give me references from other zoos, wildlife parks, etc. and the only company that could provide excellent references were Habitat Systems which is who we are going with. Now, having looked at these cages, they appear to be a decent product but having not personally worked with them for large snakes, I can't say that they would be suitable or not even though they look pretty nice (and some private individuals that were given as references claimed that they worked well). Habitat Systems can custom make ANY size cage and even though they cost a bit more, it is money well spent in the long run. Visions work well but their largest enclosure probably won't be big enough for a 20' retic.

:What's your thought's on the CagesByDesign habitat's for a full grown Retic? I was checking them out and I like that they get so long. I was also checking out VisionCages, but they don't seem long enough. I also checked out BoaPhileCages, but they certainly weren't deep enough, very nice habitat's though. I love that "extension" option. Will the CBD habitat be secure enough for a Retic? Will it be able to hold her in there on the stand? Are they easy to clean, or a pain in the ass? And last, but certainly not least, does anybody here have, or know anybody that uses CagesByDesign's habitat's for their Burm's? Sorry so many questions, but I need to know. Too much money to waste on a "hope". Thanks alot guys...


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