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Ew, he reguritated...

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Posted by hades-raptor on May 04, 2003 at 19:35:45:

I'm slightly worried o_O Tenchi regurgitated his meal yesterday. He ate the meal on Thursday night. So now I have this big, very bad smelling pile of decrepid rat in his cage. (I found two extra huge rats in my freezer, so he's getting them before he goes back to rabbits)

It's got my worried though, because he's never done this before, and it's not like he's has a lot of stress. I haven't handled him in about a month (arm injury), and I've been out of town for the past week, so no one/nothing has been around to bother him. I admit to not cleaning his cage as much as I should be, simply beacause I can't get in there to take him out (I really dont trust anyone else to get him out of his cage, yet). But even though I havent been cleaning as much, he still gets regular water changes. ANd it's not like his cage is piled in filth, you can barely tell anything is dirty.

But after he regurgitated I found a way to get him out and scrub down his cage.

Should I be worried it's some disease, or just a chance regurgitation? Thanks :D

ps. I know, Im paranoid at the littlest things, but he's a kid to me :D

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