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Don't allow it to bother you Jess,...more

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Posted by BrianSmith on May 04, 2003 at 16:44:45:

In Reply to: Even more.. posted by Jess Jones on May 04, 2003 at 15:49:47:

Seeing as how most of the members here are from America, just accept the fact that there are going to be a lot of different opinions on EVERYTHING and that everyone has a right to their own individual opinion and voice. Just let it roll off your back and post what you want to. I must admit, that rabbit WAS cute, but the first thought that went through my head was, "Hey, that's the size of my large rabbits too!" lol. I feed off between 50 and 80 rabbits per week depending on who's blue and who isn't. As I am an all around animal lover, killing these beautiful and often trusting animals is NEVER easy. I have been doing it for nearly 30 years, and as that time went by I kept expecting it to become easier. It never has. It still breaks my heart each and every time. It is not uncommon for me to apologize to the rabbits prior to killing them, I feel so bad. But the snakes must eat and they just won't accept cantaloupe no matter how hard I try (lol). And I always justify what I must do by the simple fact that these very rabbits would not have had the 2 to 4 months of a decent existance had it not been that they were raised specifically for food. And my logic is that SOME life beats NO life. And yes, I kill them myself because I think it is much more humane to kill them instantly with little to no pain, than to allow them to experience the terror and pain of being constricted for 2 minutes. (Of course I have a certain percentage of snakes that will only accept live food and I must make this exception, but I get them on pre-killed ASAP)

:OK here is the main reason people don't post what they like because people alway's have a problem with it. I posted the pic to show how big the rabbit was and then that my snake had eaten it. People asked about a flemish giant and I provided a pic. I could have just told everyone yeah I had one my snake ate it but no one has to believe me on how big it was so I proved how big it was with a pic. People post eating pic's all the time but when it's a big snake someone has to cry about it.


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