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Posted by BrianSmith on April 25, 2003 at 18:37:29:

In Reply to: Cracker and Sampson posted by neogeo on April 24, 2003 at 14:43:16:

Nice looking cage,.. but I can see where you are losing all of your humidity. The peg-board back of the cage allows too much overall ventilation. I would suggest covering the majority of those holes leaving maybe 6 by 12 inches open as a vent, near the top but several inches down. This will help tremendously to "trap" your heat and humidity. Also, as your snakes will grow larger and thus heavier I would also suggest that you remove your humidifier from the inside of the cage and instead funnel the vapor to the inside of the cage via pvc pipe. Rob can give you some tips on the best way to do this. I myself have never done it. When I suggested to you to use a hot vapor humidifier I meant to use it in the room. Not inside the cage. The snakes can get burned that way or can maybe tip the unit over and create a serious problem.

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