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Posted by highlander1 on April 23, 2003 at 19:15:05:

In Reply to: Poll Question: Full ban on reptile importation? Yay/Nay? posted by BrianSmith on April 23, 2003 at 18:41:58:

I would have to say yay and nay on importation.I would say yay because it does help to keep alot of unecessary people from having these beatiful creatures,But on the other hand,It also helps stimulate the govt more into wanting to prevent us as herpers from keeping them at all.Even if WE did stop importing/exporting it wouldnt stop the rescues from getting in unecessary animals,It wouldnt keep the average know nothing joe from getting them to show his/her friends,And it still wouldnt stop the neglect of these animals.Lets say for instance that importation was ceased,True it would stop the neglect of these animals before they get to their destination but what happens to the ones already here?They still get neglected,rescued,killed, really and truly if we really cared for these animals WE wouldnt be keeping them against their will now would we.Opinionated yes,But its the truth. Regards Bill McLeod

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