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Re: Not pessimistic, realistic.. (more)

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on April 21, 2003 at 17:16:42:

In Reply to: Not pessimistic, realistic.. (more) posted by CCD on April 21, 2003 at 13:56:55:

You are righto in that there are some minors who are very was just a very generalized comment based on many years of experience working with young kids (and despite how it sounds, I truly enjoy working with youth).

:This is a reply to both your posts. First off I notice you said that you didn't want to offend anyone and whatnot, but I just want to say that your viewpoint is realistic. You working at a wildlife center, it would be naive to contradict you in some ways.
:I also respect you(and your brother) and your viewpoints. As should everyone else at this forum, you are one of the few that post on these forums who I trully respect, tons of knowledge and experience, and you take the time to answer most the questions(Your also not arrogant about it).
:As for the minor debate, again, I would have to agree with everything you said. There are some key factors you pointed out, there are some that are fortunate enough to not have to worry about some of the factors. I guess if anything, I would atleast like to be given the benefit of the doubt. If you question my ability to own a large snake or any snake for that matter, ask questions.
:Take care

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