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Posted by Mark_and_Aimee on April 18, 2003 at 18:37:49:

In Reply to: Re: Het for Albino value?????? posted by prestigiousdesig on April 17, 2003 at 21:00:45:

I'd have to say breeding normal Burms and selling them for $50 is the most ignorant thing I have heard. What is the point?? Do you ENJOY keeping the reptile rescues in business?? Are you so blind you cannot see the problems out there?? Quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprise if you have a green iguana breeding facility behind your snake "garage".


::Honestly, I'd put a value of $50 or LESS on them.

::Albinos may seem to go for about $200, but you can find them in almost any reptile rescue/shelter. Of the few rescues I've took in, albinos seem to be the more popular ones that people get rid of. So really, albino burms are popular, and not worth much of anything anymore.. and same goes for the hets.

::Maybe, if you found the right buyer, you could sell a het for $100, but I doubt it.


:Not to be a dick but that is one of the most ignorant things I've heard on this forum: "So really, albino burms are popular, and not worth much of anything anymore.. and same goes for the hets."

:I bred close to 300 albino burms this year and have never had a problem worrying about their value...I wouldn't advocate their worth as tarnished but in fact perfectly affordable.

:Hets sell for between 50-100 depending on seller. Although competing with albinos priced at $100 is hard to do.

:The girl pictured dropped 86 surviving het. All of them sold for $50

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