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Re: My first bullsnake story....

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Posted by BILLY on April 06, 2003 at 00:32:22:

In Reply to: Re: My first bullsnake story.... posted by drummagirl on April 05, 2003 at 17:39:34:


Yes, I do play drums and have since I was 4. I now write and record my own music, and am just about finished on my second cd. I did play in junior high band and was in high school marching band for one day. I didn't want to get up early for practice in high school band, so I quit. LOL!!!! So now, I pretty much work, and devote time to my wife, snake collection, and writing music. I have 24 snakes now. How is your bull doing??? You will not be able to just have one pit, I guarantee! Take care! Billy

: Heck yeah, i love my drums!! I actually don't play much lately, college dorms aren't the best place to start pounding out a beat, but i still try to get in as much practice as i can. Drums were pretty much all i did in high school though. The tenors (quints) were my absolute fav. I did a semester of Marching band here at college, and i loved it, but i doubt i'll have the time for that again. I had a trap set but sold it for college. HOw about yourself, do you play?



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