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Wild caught Northern Pines?? questions----->>>

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Posted by PitFiend on March 16, 2003 at 22:07:51:

After talking to our local petshop and discovering that they deal in wild caught animals such as Kings,Balls and recently an Everglades ratsnake I have begun to question the heritage of my Northern Pine.
I am going to go down and talk with them on monday to see what info I can gather up about the origins of this snake, but something tells me she very well could be a wild caught specimen. I rescued this snake from them and have seen several other snakes suffer at this place.
My question is... I understand that in many places taking Northern Pines from the wild is illegal, so if I discover that this snake is wild caught and is from an area that this is illegal, what action should I take?
Second question, providing that this snake is a wild caught specimen, should I breed her in a couple years as planned?

Any thoughts and advice are very appreciated,

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