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Posted by chrish on May 12, 2003 at 17:13:25:

In Reply to: New Owner PLEASE HELP posted by momof3 on May 12, 2003 at 13:16:33:

He eats live mice with no problem. He has also had a heat rock for his heat since he was a hatchling. I know very little about snakes but I have always wanted one

Apparently your relative knows very little about snakes as well. There are two things they are doing wrong...

1. As pointed out before, there is simply no valid reason to feed live mice to a snake. I have over 30 snakes right now (and have had hundreds) and they all eat dead mice. There is no reason to risk injuring the snake by feeding it live mice.

2. Hot rocks injure snakes. Do some research on the web and you will see lots of cases of snakes being burned by them. Get an undertank heat pad and a rheostat or dimmer to plug it into and provide heat that way.

Sounds like a good snake. I hope you will give it better care than your relative has been providing. There are lots of good online and book references on keeping Ball Pythons. Do some reading and enjoy your new snake.

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