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baby ball question's

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Posted by sharpstick on May 12, 2003 at 09:36:03:

i recently purchased my 7 year old daughter her first snake, a baby ball. It is in a 10 gallon glass tank laying on its side with a screened reptile top with a door,heavy mesh. I have a small UTH and a 50 watt red zoo-med light on a rheostat. my temp's stay around 90 on the warm end and 80 on the cool end down to 75 or so at night, with a corner log hide at the warm end and a small flower pot with a corner chipped out for access and a 6 inch water bowl in cool end,using paper towels for lining.

Here are my question's.
are my temps ok ?? and i also have a tropic-aire humidity/ fresh air thing with the tube running across the top of the cool side of tank. I get up this morning and she is wrapped around one end of it and just hanging Is this ok ?? She seems very active, during the day she lay's around but at night she wanders all over, I thought they were supposed to hang out in the hide box all day ? ast night in a 2 hour time span she layed in her water bowl for about 10 min then went to warm side slid up corner log hide and onto a hanging branch for about 30 min then over behind the cool hide box and get up this morning and she's hanging on the tropic-aire line !! we have had her about 4 day's, I let my daughter handle her yesterday and she is the most layed back snake i have ever seen.. real tame and calm.

how long should i wait to feed her for the first time ??

and my wife is concerned because i have the clamp light sitting against the screen, but the bulb is an inch from touching it and it's not on all the time on the warm side.

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