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dwarf corn snake!

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Posted by Tenaka on May 11, 2003 at 17:15:37:

In Reply to: dwarf corn snake! posted by froggystyle34 on May 11, 2003 at 16:31:25:

heya froggy

It sounds like you know your ratsnakes , I only know about these guys because a breeder in the UK mentioned them and apparently they stay small but I am no expert on the species, I keep western hognoses and I was considering what next snake to get and was looking around at the various smaller snakes.


:what you are talking about is simply an emoris ratsnake, or chocolate ratsnake, that happens to live in utah and colorado and places like that. it is not truly recognized as its own species. of course these are going to be small, due to lack of food, and warm weather. but you can get one of these and practice perfect husbandry like with any other corn snake and you will have a 5 foot monster too. but hey way to keep me on my toes i appreciate that.


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