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My opinion--

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Posted by Jeannie on May 08, 2003 at 21:36:58:

In Reply to: Rosy Boas or Corn snake posted by tetrafish2 on May 08, 2003 at 20:30:16:

Rosies are great snakes; usually docile, generally easy to take care of, and don't get too big. I have 2 and will be getting more this summer after I build my rack. The one drawback is that they can go through lengthy fasts. I have one rosy that only eats for half the year, sometimes less. He's pretty extreme, but if you want a rosy you have to not panic when your snake doesn't eat for a month or so. Some people can't handle that. Rosies can also have regurge problems, but I'll let someone else discuss that; it hasn't happened to me.

I don't have any corns, but I know they're great for beginners. I'm hoping to get a bloodred corn myself, probably this summer.


:I am debating whether I should start off with a rosy boa or some sort of corn snake as my first snake. I am looking for a snake with a very good temperament. Which one should I choose? Any advice will be appreciated! thanks

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