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New onwer of baby ball python that will not eat ??? HELP L/P

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Posted by CulebraOnna on May 08, 2003 at 15:25:59:

In Reply to: New onwer of baby ball python that will not eat ??? HELP L/P posted by mlcad1 on May 08, 2003 at 10:32:24:

First off, five days is absolutely nothing-- in fact, that's as often as they should be fed (nothing wrong with a week or 10 days in between). Feeding this soon, with a stressed out baby ball, could result in regurgitation. Just relax, and give it another week or so WITHOUT handling. Also, definitely get a thermometer and check out what temps they're at, it could be too warm/cool for the snake to feel comfortable.

Snakes won't eat while shedding for the most part, so I wouldn't even bother offering food until he's done. I would mist his tank once or twice a day, to help the shed come off better.

Don't worry until the snake hasn't eaten for a couple months, and try offering bigger prey, hopper mice or even rat pups (depending on what he was eating). Don't bother him unless he has a bad shed you need to help him with.

Good luck! I've had a ball for one and a half years, and she's awesome. :)

:We got our 12 year old son a baby ball python at the reptile show on may 3. The man we got him from told us that he had eatting already .He said it was about 2 to 3 weeks old .He is a foot and half long . We have him in a 20 gal tank with a log in the tank . We have him on paper and have a bowl of water in there.He has been realy active . He is partly shedding .I have no clue what the temp is in there (I know it's not good I Have three Bearded Dragons ) I have a reptile blue light on him I just can't remember what watt. it is . We Got him a pinky from the pet store we put him and the pinky in a rubber made tot put the top on it and waitted but he never eat. We then froz the pinky and tried two days later .We took the pinky out and put it in a bag and put it in a cup of hot water and then gave it to him again but he still has not eatten .I was told to try dipping the pinky in chicken broth and tried this but still nothing .My son is very upset that he will not eat and I have no clue what to do . I do have a vet here that does reptiles but don't know if I should take him in ??? PLEASE HELP THANKS sorry for the long post.

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