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Re: A little pice of advice to other who give advice.

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Posted by oldherper on April 14, 2003 at 21:56:22:

In Reply to: A little pice of advice to other who give advice. posted by philip_sallee on April 14, 2003 at 15:28:49:

Snakes are individuals as are people. When people on here give advice, it appears to me that they do so in good faith, with the best of intentions and that they are recounting their own experiences. It would be wise to bear in mind that your mileage may vary..that is, given the fact that snakes ARE individuals you may have experiences different that what was recounted here. The best anyone can possibly do is to advise what is the case in most instances for a particular problem/question. I haven't seen one single instance where it looked like someone was intentionally misleading someone else or intentionally giving bad advise. The fact of the matter is, a Ball Python...IN MOST not the best animal for a beginning herper to start with. So, whoever said that gave GOOD advise for the majority of cases.

Probably the best suggestion I can think of for gaining GOOD advise from this forum is frame your questions well, ask lucid understandable questions, then apply a little logic and common sense. Clear grammar and spelling help, also. There is a wealth of knowledge on this board and the members, without fail, are more than willing to share that knowledge.

To get on here, as a self-proclaimed beginning herper and then give advice to the experienced herpers on how to give advice, and in the same breath criticize the advice they are giving is really a little pretentious and more than a little unfair. The best thing to do, if you don't like the advice being given on here is just not to follow it. Or, if you are really troubled by something you see on here, ask questions. Ask for clarification. It may be just that you didn't understand the advice or the reasons behind it. That doesn't mean it was bad advice, necessarily.

Different people do things different ways. There is always more than one "right" way to do a thing. You have to remember that the books on keeping various species of snakes are a collection of the author's experiences and opinions. That certainly doesn't necessarily make them right, or if they are right, it doesn't make them the ONLY right answer.

:Hey guys,
:I have seen alot of people giveing out info and are clueless on what they are saying. I am not trying to start any thing, im not pointing people out. But I only give out adive on a herp that I have kept for a long time, have experence with, and have kept more then one of the animals. I think more people need to start doing this. I see post rulling out ball pythons becuse the person that was rulling it out was someone who had one many years ago and back in the old days they were mostly WC, and most WC balls are good as dead when you get them. But then you get people who bought a nice CB hatchling and eats like a pig and is totly flawless, they love them and go around telling every one to get them. What im saying is, know your stuff, have experence before you hand it down, don't go around trying to look like a big time keeper and "mr.know it all" starting out small and working towerds a big goal and giving out truthfull advice you make you one of the best herpers. Im still in the starting stage, I have only been keeping snakes for 4 years, and just in the past year have I started breeding, and some guys on here have been for 30 years! Well im just trying to help keep the roung advice to fall into the hands of a novice. Take care y'all,

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