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Re: A little pice of advice to other who give advice.

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Posted by GyrFalcon on April 14, 2003 at 20:38:14:

In Reply to: A little pice of advice to other who give advice. posted by philip_sallee on April 14, 2003 at 15:28:49:

Okay, this is a forum where people come to get advice about their pets, or show pictures, or to try the best they can to give advice. Who are you to say that the rest of us give faulty advice to people? Most of us give advice about the experiences we have had with our own reptiles. People are welcome to take or leave anything that anyone on this forum says to them. Someone could say that they've been breeding snakes for the past 80 years, AND they are a reptile vet, when really they are only a 12 year old kid with a cornsnake. Obviously you have to be wary of any advice given, under any circumstances.... But please don't make broad statements about the things that are posted on this forum, because more often than not, usually good advice is given.

:Hey guys,
:I have seen alot of people giveing out info and are clueless on what they are saying. I am not trying to start any thing, im not pointing people out. But I only give out adive on a herp that I have kept for a long time, have experence with, and have kept more then one of the animals. I think more people need to start doing this. I see post rulling out ball pythons becuse the person that was rulling it out was someone who had one many years ago and back in the old days they were mostly WC, and most WC balls are good as dead when you get them. But then you get people who bought a nice CB hatchling and eats like a pig and is totly flawless, they love them and go around telling every one to get them. What im saying is, know your stuff, have experence before you hand it down, don't go around trying to look like a big time keeper and "mr.know it all" starting out small and working towerds a big goal and giving out truthfull advice you make you one of the best herpers. Im still in the starting stage, I have only been keeping snakes for 4 years, and just in the past year have I started breeding, and some guys on here have been for 30 years! Well im just trying to help keep the roung advice to fall into the hands of a novice. Take care y'all,

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