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Re: Heres why..........

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Posted by tigress on April 13, 2003 at 13:07:04:

In Reply to: Heres why.......... posted by davidbeard502 on April 12, 2003 at 11:07:33:

Hrm... I think the second reason you gave is really teh biggest reason. It's just easier since they aer so small to moniter him and make sure he's doing well when you can find him easier (not going to find him well in a big cage).

I have to say I'm not so sure I believe in the they feel safer in a smaller cage if you give them small hideboxes that fit them well (I mean as the original post said, in teh wild they have wide open spaces, just lots of good hide places. If you provide really good hide places I don't see why having a big vs. small enclosure is going to make much a difference, I think the hidebox is really what's important here). I guess I'm also going on the theory that you are using a glass tank, which would make the tank seem less protected anyways and the hidebox more important.

Anyone care to elaborate to me why a smaller tank would make them feel better feel free as I'm curious why that is the popular perception?

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