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here are great snakes for begginers and pros alike

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Posted by froggystyle34 on April 12, 2003 at 13:50:16:

here is hercules...he is a hoss, he was a bit skinny when i got him but he is much fatter and happier now. he takes in medium rats once a week without nay problems. he masures around 5'6ish but it doesnt look like it in the pictures.

:here is herc girle athena, she is not as much of a whopper as herc but she comes in at a respectful four feet. funny she was a little 2.5 foot dehydrated critter i got from petland for 30 bucks.

:here is trouble she was a rescued amel, i call her trouble cause she was so skinny and lifeless when i got her, but now she is on top. she has a great personality as well.

:here is spot, he/she is a littel albino/reverse okeetee. i looked for about a year for one i liked and i finally found him/her. coming along well, was eating anoles when i got him/her now eats juvenile mice like a champ.


:and last but definately not least is killer. i just got him one day and i really dont know why or how. i went to a pet store with a hatchling king snake and they said i will buy that snake from me and i took killer and 12 fuzzies for the king. not really a big deal considering i only paid ten bucks for the king snake and i didnt really like it that much. and i dont know why he has that nakme either just the first thing that popped in my mind when i saw him eat. never wraps just swallows. he too is on juvenile mice.


:well enjoy all of the pics and please let me know what you guys think of them


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