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Re: Good choice for easy snake?

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Posted by boaboy13 on April 10, 2003 at 13:11:45:

In Reply to: Good choice for easy snake? posted by IMPerfection on April 07, 2003 at 20:38:00:

I woudent get a WC (wild cought) snake, and I wouldent get a Columbian Boa, they can reach about 10 feet as adults and will need a cage about 6 foot by 3 foot. your best bet would be to go to a show and picky up a nice little hatchling corn or king, not only are they about 20 bucks, you can get albinos, snows, striped, and other cool looking phases for not much more. If your wanting somthing more exotic and wound stay small, I would get a spotted python, they live alot longer then the colubrids (kings, corns, milks etc) and wont ever out grow a 10 gallon, they can reach a max of about 3 feet, and will all most all ways take frozen thawed or prekilled. If you handle them they are good temperment snakes, but if you dont they can get a little nippy. And since they are from Australia there wont be any WC ones (Australia does not allow exporting of there wild life) A hatchling is about 50 bucks at a show. Milk snakes (all speces) are also great starter snakes, I have yet to see one that bites or not take frozen thawed, and will need about a 20 gallon when they are adults. Most speces are usaly around 30-40 bucks for babys. But last but not lest the classic ball python is one of the best starter snakes out there. They never bite, and will need about a 30 gallon long when they are a full grown adult, most adults are about 4-5 feet, but that is totly differnt from the 4-5 feet in red tails and other boas, the down side on them is that they are picky eaters and they will rarely eat frozen thawed. But a friend of mine has one that has never missed a meal and will eat pre killed with no prob. And they will fast alot, mine would eat for a few months and go off for about 3, he would never get out of this cycle. Well good luck, and let us know what you get.
I would go to a reptile show you can get great deals and they are about hafe the price of most pet stores. Look in your reptile magazen, if you dont have one let me know what state you are in and I can look it up for yeah.

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