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Re: Milksnake as beginner

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Posted by christomas on April 06, 2003 at 23:43:55:

In Reply to: Milksnake as beginner posted by shyguy4217 on April 06, 2003 at 21:23:30:

:For a beginner snake, i would strongly suggest you get a corn snake instead. They come in alot of morphs and are relatively cheap. If you have your mind set on a milk, i suggest either the Sinaloan or the Nelsons. They are much calmer. Pueblans are notoriously flighty as juveniles. All they do is squirm and try to get away. They do somehow tame when grown up. Another very good candidate and which i also strongly recommend is the Tarahumara kings. I recently acquired a pair of hatchlings and they are so docile. In fact i think they were the most docile hatchlings i have ever handled. They dont musk, they dont tail rattle, nor do they bite. IMHO
: I was doing some resaerch and I came across Milksnakes. And I am new to snakes, would it be a good choice for me as a beginner? I was thinking of a Pueblan Milksnake, because I like their colors and pattern, are they any easier or harder to keep? And will Milksnakes eat anything other than rodents? What size cage does an adult need? And are they easy to breed?
: (sorry about all the questions)

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