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Re: corn snake question

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Posted by Francis Tan on April 02, 2003 at 19:47:33:

In Reply to: Re: corn snake question posted by SarahRuss on March 31, 2003 at 14:37:21:

Cornsnakes have been known to cannibalise other or same species of snakes. Another problem that can occur is during feeding. Both snakes may go for the same prey and in the process, one of them will end up being swallowed by the other.


::It would be best to seperate them. You could take a devider and devide the 55 gallon into two pices. But I have never heard of corns eating each other but colubrids will eat about any thing when they are hungry. Also parasites can be a problem when houseing to snakes to geter, if one snake gets worms or mites, so will the other. Also feeding can be tricky, if one finshes before the other it might start on the other end of the mouse the other snake is working on. But you can do really cheep houseing for snakes, I keep most of my colubrids in rubbermaid bins, and I use under tank heaters, but you can use heat tape which is alot cheeper. But you could have a nice setup for under 10-15 bucks doing it like that.
::Well good luck,

:I'm glad to hear that. My brother was glad that he did'nt have to buy a new tank.
:Thanks, Sarah

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