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Re: Columbian boas vs ball python.

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Posted by snakeguy88 on March 27, 2003 at 18:40:04:

In Reply to: Columbian boas vs ball python. posted by SarahRuss on March 27, 2003 at 16:58:52:

I personally do not like either for first snakes. Colombians can get somewhat large and require larger areas. Ball pythons stay smaller (4 ft max) and need maybe a 40 gallon tank. They are famous for their feeding strikes, and even healthy, captive bred balls can go off feed. Sometimes these strikes last a week or two, there have been reports of them lasting for up to 2 years. Both can be good with kids...larger colombians could pose a threat to an unwatched child. Remember that snakes are individuals so one of either species could be good with kids or could be the meanest snake you have ever seen. And remember that any snake, no matter how "tame" it seems, always has the potential to and possibly could bite. If you want a snake that can be handled by kids, I would look into a rosy boa...they only hit about 3 ft, come in a variety of colors, and are extremely docile. Just my .02


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