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Re: Help what do I get???

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Posted by larryskeepers on March 25, 2003 at 11:32:54:

In Reply to: Help what do I get??? posted by slink on March 22, 2003 at 03:47:30:


Well I can tell you about cb bp, I have one and I am about to buy my second. Bp are great pets. They are very nice and gentle. You can start out with a 10 gallon tank when they are yearlings and then move up from there. Their usually reach about 5 ft so a 30-40 gallon tank will be their final home. Although you want to start out with a small tank because a large tank may make the snake feel insecure. I had no problem moving my snake from his 10 gallon into a 40 after he outgrew the 10. I heated my 10 gallon with a overhead heating lamp and kept the temp on the hot side about 85-90 degrees. The other "cold" side should be around 75-80 degrees. Now I have a 40 gallon and I use a heating pad and the overhead lamp to reach those temps. Some problems people have with bp is they can be a paint o feed sometimes. They can all of sudden choose not to eact for days or months. Although I have never had this problem before. You want to make sure the snake is eating before you buy it and you should have no problems. Larry, my bp, is a great snake and has never ever struck at me or made any motions like he was going to. I would say this is your best bet for a snake. Good luck and I hope this helps.

Steve A

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