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first snake and mom

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Posted by duffy on March 06, 2003 at 11:22:24:

In Reply to: my first snake and mom posted by Snakeman5124 on March 05, 2003 at 18:52:41:

Good information in the posts so far. I would also ask if you live in or near a city where they have regularly scheduled reptile shows. Click on EVENTS on the main page to check some out. If you are lucky enough to be near one, ask your mom if she would take you. There you will (hopefully) find a wide variety of snakes that you and your mom can check out and ask questions about. The pet store suggestions are good ones, but a good reptile show should give you better value, variety, and people who actually know what they are talking about. I think you might want to consider a corn snake, as suggested below. The other suggestions are very good ones, but corns will offer you some beautiful colors at relatively low prices. This could sway your mom. My wife still thinks my albino ratsnakes are pretty, and my normal colored one looks evil. If no reptile shows are nearby, then you might start with a book on the type of snake you want. As the other posters said....knowledge IS power. Good luck, and keep learning. Whether you get a snake soon or in the future, the more you know, the better off you both will be. Duffy

:hi. I am considering getting a pet snake for the first time. My first problem is that my mom thinks that snakes are bad pets and that they can easily escape. I have been into reptiles sice I was 5 and I would appreciate any e-mails of tips on how to convince my mom. also I was wondering what kind of snake I should get, I was thinking a sand boa because I need a small snake.

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