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Re: my first snake and mom

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Posted by milkman on March 05, 2003 at 22:32:18:

In Reply to: my first snake and mom posted by Snakeman5124 on March 05, 2003 at 18:52:41:

First thing I did was I caught a southern ringneck when I was about 3 and I convenced her to let me keep it.She couldnt say no it was only probably 8in. long so there wasnt much reason for concern about it escaping.Well I didnt know anything about keeping reptiles and it died a few weeks later needless to say I cried for hours(I was 3 it was alright for me to cry lol).Later that week she bought me my first snake a baby corn,I guess she figured I would just catch another snake and bring it home and it might be deadly so she went ahead and bought it for me.So if I where you I would go out and find and catch me a little snake to keep at first and have your mom goto a pet shop and look at the differant types of tops for your cage.Have the person at the shop go over in great detail on which ones will be the most secure and even then tell her you will put extra weight on top to make sure he wont escape.And after you prove yourself then trade in for a new species of snake.And if that wont work tell her you will make good grades in school that always works.I think if you can get her to let you keep a small snake like a ringneck and she sees you can take care of it she will give in.After a couple of years my mom started loving my reptiles and when I moved off to college she bought me a bearded dragon to keep me company.I hope this helps,and good luck.


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