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Re: how do people thaw their mice??

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Posted by duffy on March 02, 2003 at 08:11:27:

In Reply to: how do people thaw there mice????????? posted by jimfmcdonald on March 01, 2003 at 21:53:36:

That's pretty close to what some folks do. I drop a few mice into a cup of hot water (I usually microwave the water for about a minute...just the water, not the mice!). A friend of mine who has hundreds of snakes just lets the mice thaw at room temp for a few hours. I think as long as you get them thawed without cooking them or otherwise ruining them you are fine. How many snakes are you feeding, and how long have you been at it? If your system is working...and I bet it is...great! Duffy

:I was just wondering if im doing this right or not ..I have 400 frozen mice and i put them in zip lock bags and put them in a cup of hot water for a half hour or so to thaw them and to get them warm for my snakes this what every one does or can someone give me some better ideas..thanks ..JIM

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