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Re: Help choosing please!?!

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Posted by duffy on February 23, 2003 at 08:07:06:

In Reply to: Help choosing please!?! posted by lordkovacs on February 22, 2003 at 21:47:56:

Were you thinking aboreal because you want to set up a vertical tank or at least one with lots of climbing branches, etc? The corns will climb, as will other members of the ratsnake family. Why not set up a second tank with a potential mate for your present corn? Maybe there could be a future breeding project in your class. That would be educational! Duffy

:I currently have a reverse okeetee corn, and have had him for a couple years. I am a school teacher, and am going to be keeping him in the classroom to teach the children. So, I am in the market for a new snake. I like the size of the corn (5-6' max.). However, I was thinking of getting something aboreal. I know some of the constrictor's are aboreal, but I assume they are too big. Is there a breed that is around 5-6'? Thanks, cheers!

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