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Re: new user to the forum

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Posted by duffy on February 22, 2003 at 06:59:33:

In Reply to: new user to the forum posted by cyber_crimes on February 21, 2003 at 21:29:44:

Hello, and welcome to you. You are correct about Glen...his knowledge was extremely helpful. I have been keeping snakes for only one year, although my interest in them and other creatures goes back decades. Looking forward to talking with you in the future. The recent turmoil was very unfortunate, and we did lose some very good people. We will go on, however, and we welcome you and others who have just arrived. Duffy

:OK I am a new user to this forum and have been going through some of the past questions etc. I must say that I regret not joining earlier as I would have liked to of spoke to glenn bartley who seems to be an educated man in the way of herps.Hes sincere nature of restrictions here on the forum indicate someone that has a passion for the hobby and a genuine interest in the forum users rights.I am sure he will be sadly missed here by many that have spoken to him and by myself who never had the pleasure.I myself am an experienced herper with many species and a great success at breeding them and am hoping to come here to help those new beginners as well as learn a little myself.To all of those participating in the forum Id like to just say a big hello and happy herping

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