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Re: Feeding inside cage versus outside cage

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Posted by Classic_Dums on February 12, 2003 at 04:56:55:

In Reply to: Feeding inside cage versus outside cage posted by ThePetFactory on February 12, 2003 at 04:21:42:

We feed all of our snakes inside their cages. I feel it's really important with large snakes such as burms and retics because they have such a heavy feeding response that can last for along time after they eat. Getting them back into their cage is taking a risk that can be avoided IMO. My burms have a heavy feeding response and I won't stick my hand in there for at least 1-2 days after they have eaten. I like my hands....LOL. Also you don't want to condition them to associate coming out of the cage with feeding. Then when you have to remove them for cage cleaning, transport, etc etc they might go into feeding mode. Again not a good situation. I don't feel it's that big of deal with smaller stuff like balls, corns, kings, etc because if they do bite it's not near as bad as a large snake, but we still feed all in their cages. No need to stress out a snake if you don't have to. Stress can lead to regurge and that's not anything you want either. Also feeding with tongs helps them disassociate your hands with feeding. Just my opinion

Danni :) SMILE

:I am a manager of a Pet Store in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have had many constrictors including Burms, Red Tails, Bloods, and Balls. I am thuroughly convinced to feed in side the cage. The owner of the shop disagrees with me about this practice. I would like everyone's opinion, please. I would like some reasons to take back to him to convince him to side with me on this issue. Please help!! Thanks!!

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