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Just To Make This Official here is a copy of an email...

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Posted by glenn bartley on February 01, 2003 at 11:38:59:

In Reply to: Goodbye, for real this time... posted by glenn bartley on January 30, 2003 at 01:00:17:

Hi all,

I sent the following email, by way of the contact link, to and Jeff B. to ask that my user account for the foruums be shut down, thought some of you might like to see it. This is the final post from me.

"To Jeff B. and the Management at,

Would you please tell me how to delete my account from so that I would no longer be a registered forum user. I would like to make it so that all my user information is deleted, including all profile information, my email address, my user name and anything else associated with my name (except for posts already posted to forums) and so forth.

I will no longer be posting on your site due to, what in my opinion, is the demeaning manner in which you treat forum users; and due to, what in my opinion, is an extremely overzealous and restrictive reign over forum content. Sure it is your web site to do with as you please; just as it is my prerogative to use your site or another. I guess you folks think yourselves pretty big - but you seem to forget whom it was that made you so big. Too bad you guys have not realized that your main customers - they would be your advertisers - make a lot of their money from your forum users - thereby making your forum users a very valuable lot of customers. Now you seem to be losing a lot of them!

That is really too bad, because once upon a time, was the best herp related web site out there; that, in my opinion, is not true anymore - not by a long shot.

With sincere regrets,
Glenn Bartley"
Thanks to all for your support, see you at that other site!

Best regards and well wishes,
Glenn Bartley

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