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A few Mountain King beginner questions Feeding heating etc

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Posted by cutlass1972 on January 25, 2003 at 11:53:49:

I have had a ball python for about 3 years now an recently aquired a Durango Mountain King Snake (absolutly fall in love with her). I am not sure what temperature I should keep her tank at? She is in a 20 long tank I purchased a Exo Terra 10.5x11" 16watt uth placed it under one side I also purchased a exo terra 50watt ultra violet bulb for her (place it more or less right in center of tank. We keep our apartment fairly cool 67 or 68 degrees. This is the first night that I have had her and I awoke this mourning to find her burried underneith her water dish on the opposite side of the aquarium (cold as could be). Does this snake need to be that cool or what am I doing wrong NOTE: the thermomiter that I have in the aquarium (located at the lower part of the middle back side of the aquarium) reads about 73-75 degrees. Also I am not sure how often I should feed her? She is approximatly 2-2.5' long and about 1-1.5" in diameter (very active). I dont know if she will eat prekilled or not, and I am not sure how big of mice to feed her? Can she handle a full grown mouse? an I feed her small lizzards (anoles)? I checked the caresheets and found them to be a little inspecific. any and all information is greatly appreciated)

Robert Ziegler

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