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Re: Odd New Boa Behavior

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Posted by djairam on January 24, 2003 at 07:07:02:

In Reply to: Odd New Boa Behavior posted by djairam on January 14, 2003 at 10:23:58:

Just to clarify this issue...yes I did research the columbian boas. From my research, columbians are hearty snakes that are termed the best beginner boa. I changed my mind and did not like the look of the kings, corns, or milks; boas are much more better looking snakes IMO.

My brother has a boa so I gain knowledge from his experience as well.

As for the "odd behavior" I discussed, as soon as I posted the message, she stopped and has NOT done it since. It was just me being nervous, probably similar to any new "parental" type figure who gets a new dog, cat, or even child.

As for Hotshot, I would appreciate you not respond to any of my further posts. Your comments were the least bit helpful. If you review the posts from others, you'll see that people were helpful by explaining the behavior or forwarding me to other sites for information.

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