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Hagen "ZooZones"

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Posted by Lorraine on January 19, 2003 at 12:02:10:

I was reading an ad for the Hagen "ZooZone" large Critter Cage, and I was wondering if it is a suitable cage for a California Kingsnake. The size is listed as 39.25"x20"x14.5" which seems like a suitable size for an adult California Kingsnake, but does anyone here have any experience with this cage? Is it easy to escape from? Easy to clean? Any ideas, or information would be welcome. I kind of like the idea that it's plastic and so will be lighter than a glass cage, but I have no experience with it, and if I get one I will have to mail-order it as no shop here that I know carries it, so I will have to buy it based on the picture in the ad unless anyone has any insights to offer.

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