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Thanks Duffy another??

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Posted by PitFiend on January 18, 2003 at 16:13:51:

In Reply to: Re: Numbers question 1.2 2.1 1.1 etc...??? posted by duffy on January 18, 2003 at 15:53:07:

Okay so If I was talking about Ghost Corns and used the following phrase: "We have some Ghosts 3.2" this would mean 3 males and 2 females is what we have???

Charles (Learning the Herp game)

: The numbers refer to how many of a given sex are being discussed. For example: 1.3 would mean a male and 3 females. If there are 3 numbers in the sequence, the third will refer to individuals of unknown gender. So 2.1.4 would mean 2 males, a female, and 4 individuals which had not been checked for gender. Hope that helps. Duffy


::What do all those types of numberings represent? such as 1.1 or 12.1?

::Thanks for the info


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