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Re: pet store snakes

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Posted by Lorraine on January 16, 2003 at 21:12:26:

In Reply to: pet store snakes posted by crazyballa17 on January 16, 2003 at 17:29:12:

If you buy a snake from a pet store, the question is not which snake to buy, but which pet store to buy from. If you were to post your city, someone with information on a good store in your area might be able to point you toward a reputable store. In general, if I want to buy a snake from a pet store, I want to make sure that the people selling to me know what they are doing. Are they knowledgeable about snakes? Are the snakes being kept and fed properly? Can they tell you anything about the breeders of their stock? Is everything clean and well-kept? Are their snakes healthy? Will they be able to answer your questions? Do they offer any kind of guarantee? There is a pet store where I live that I wouldn't buy even feeder mice from because in my opinion they don't have the type of respect for their stock that I believe is necessary. This is a well-kept store, and one of the most expensive in town, but I don't like the way they handled an animal they showed to me once, so I won't shop there. I found one store here that is very good in my opinion on all the above criteria I cited. If you find a good pet store, feel safe to purchase what you want. If they don't have the snake you would like, ask about ordering it. Just make sure you feel comfortable with all aspects of how they do business and take care of the animals in their care.

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