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Re: 4 feet?!

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Posted by dfr on January 16, 2003 at 16:31:00:

In Reply to: 4 feet?! posted by CulebraOnna on January 16, 2003 at 14:46:09:

Right, they can and do exceed 4 feet, but not always. There are, on the other hand, 15 foot South American Boas, and Yellow Anacondas, just try to find one. If you buy your snake from a source where you can see the parents, you can get an idea of their potential size. This pic is of my 6 year old male. He is a crossbreed Columbian X one? of a group of Central Americans ( never saw which male did the job ). He is almost 50 inches. He stopped growing quickly at about 5 years old. The Boa constrictor is so wide spread, geographically ( southern South America, north almost to Texas ) that there are many races with their own distinct physical characteristics. They go from tropical to temperate. So, you can take exception to almost anything said in describing them.

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