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Good choice, most kings make great 1st snakes...

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Posted by hotshot on January 15, 2003 at 12:10:04:

In Reply to: Re: Starter Snake posted by Sairys on January 15, 2003 at 08:17:26:

and usually do quite well. About the corns seeming so small, any of the hatchlings are small, kings included. My sons hatchling cali king is lots smaller than my hatchling albino black rat. But will probably end up being thicker in adulthood. The good thing about kings is they are pretty aggressive feeders, and you hardly ever having to worry about them going off feed.

Here is a pic of my normal corn, he was 48" when this pic was taken and almost 2.5 yrs old. Probably average size.

Here is a pic of my California King - Bandit. He is a coastal phase, around 39" and the same age as my Corn snake.

He is also probably average size. Now if you want to see a truly huge california king, take a look at JimM's king! That is one huge cali, and it is nice!

Keep us posted on what you get and good luck!

:Thank you for everyones' advice, I plan to stick to my orginal choice and buy a kingsnake. I am thinking of buying either a Cal. kingsnake or an Eastern kingsnake, depending on what phases are available at the reptile show.

:I know the cornsnake is a perfect snake for beginners but they often seem too small in pictures, and the morphs I like are a bit pricy, and I prefer a snake that likes to be handled and coils around the handler's arm.

:I have already gathered a lot of information regarding kingsnakes, and know the basics of its care. I still love the pythons though...hopefully I'll only bring home one snake and not two.

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