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Re: Starter Snake

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Posted by bdb14 on January 14, 2003 at 20:39:46:

In Reply to: Starter Snake posted by Sairys on January 13, 2003 at 19:29:08:

:I am new to the care of snakes, and have been searching for a breed that would be good as a beginner pet. I was deciding between a cal. kingsnake, or a cape york spotted python.

:I would prefer a snake that is slender in girth and grows to the range preferably of 4 to 6 feet. I need experience to someday move onto more expensive breeds such as the savu python, and eventually an emerald tree boa. As this is my first snake I only plan on spending close to or under $200.00(canadian funds) which elimates quite a few.

:Any help would be greatful


I was wondering if the Cal King is noctrnal or if it is fairly active during the day. Thanks a lot.

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