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Re: Snakes first shed at home: Advice please?

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Posted by hotshot on January 14, 2003 at 18:51:14:

In Reply to: Snakes first shed at home: Advice please? posted by PitFiend on January 14, 2003 at 17:34:24:

Sounds like she is having a normal shed. Most snakes will go into the "blue" and stay that way for a few days and then they will clear up. Then within a few days of clearing up, she should shed. Make sure you have something in the enclosure for her to rub on so she can start her shed. Mine usually take up 8-10 days to go through a complete shed cycle, and normally hide until they are ready to shed.


: My Northern Pine started to go opaque last night so her first shed at our place is in the process of happening. Any advice? We have her in a 20L with undertank heater and 60watt light(home type) for light. Substrate is Aspen, hides on both warm and cool side with water bowl kinda centered in the tank. Tempeture is currently: mid 80's on warm side and 74 on cool side.

:She has spent the entire day in her cool hide...

:Any advice? signs to watch for etc...

:Nervous as heck.

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