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Re: Leucistitiy in pituophis

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Posted by Paul Hollander on January 13, 2003 at 13:33:58:

In Reply to: Leucistitiy in pituophis posted by Marwhal on January 12, 2003 at 23:53:28:

:Ok apparently this is a beginner question since no one has deemed it worthy of being answered on any other forum. Anyway, I really need the leucistic gene(s) explained to me for pine snakes. I understand it is not a simple recessive like it is in rat snakes, so what is it and how does it work. I would really appreciate any info you might have. Geez, maybe we need a Herp Genetics Forum.

I can't answer your question off the top of my head.

I have a vague recollection that there was a piece about Pit genetics in one of the issues of Reptiles magazine. I'll try to do a bit of digging, but no promises.

There is also the possibility that nobody has properly done the work. Or if it's been done, it hasn't made much of a splash.

Paul Hollander

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