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Posted by Classic_Dums on January 13, 2003 at 04:12:49:

In Reply to: Thanks to Danni and Fran! posted by jdg on January 12, 2003 at 20:39:12:

Congrats! You are very welcome. I am super happy that it ate the rat with no problems!! I was wondering about you and your snake just yesterday, hoping everything went OK! About sexing, find an experienced person who knows how to probe, generally most good breeders or a local herp society will know of someone. Some people are lucky enough to have an experienced vet near them that actually knows what their doing when it comes to probing, but we are not that lucky around here. I am amazed some of them can tell a male from a female cat. You want to make sure this person knows what they are doing because they can injure your snake if its not done properly. The little guys sure do grow fast!! I miss having little snakes around...LOL. Most of ours are sub-adults or adults. I love watching them grow! Make sure to take pics when they are small, then you can compare when they get older. I did this with a few of mine and it's hard to beleive that they were that small!!! Good luck!

Danni :) SMILE

:After having posted below about what I should be feeding my JCP, I decided to try rat pups, both for size and because general advice seems to be to try to switch JCPs to rats as early as possible. I have to admit that when I opened the box these came in I was sure that there was no way my little snake was going to be able to eat one of these seemingly huge rodents. But I picked out the smallest one in the bag to start with and tonight my snake ate her first rat pup with no problems! Yay!

:And, on a totally separate subject, it (I really need to find out "it's" sex at some point) also shed earlier this week for the first time since I bought it and it was very exciting to wake up and find a shed snake skin stretched across the cage :) It's grown a *lot* in just the 2 1/2 months that I've owned it!

:- Jackie

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