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Relative size of pen to a turtle

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Posted by rnrlesnar on May 21, 2003 at 02:17:11:

In Reply to: Relative size of pen to a turtle posted by tortus32 on May 12, 2003 at 16:08:01:

:fast growth isn't what you want with box turtles. Slow steady growth is always best with them. Couldn't you're expansion project include a sectioned off part for the babies/yearlings?

:Best of luck,

I've read that high protein diets can make their shells grow fast which causes them to have problems turning themselves over if they flip, but I'm providing them with a wide variety of food and letting them eat all they want and all of them are very healthy. I released 10 of the 25 into the main pen the other day. They were a little bigger than the rest, so I figured I'd free up some space in the baby aquarium and put the big babies out in the "real world". My pen bascially recreates their natural habitat. There is some risk of them being eaten by a stray racoon or something, but my dogs in the kennels next to my pen probably deter predators. They should be safe especially with all the different hiding places I have plus the Live Oak that is now part of the pen has some holes at its base that will make perfect shelters for them.

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