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incubating egg...light?

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Posted by PHKiwi on May 19, 2003 at 14:41:41:

In Reply to: incubating egg...light? posted by specieschick on May 18, 2003 at 17:17:54:

No, the egg doesn't need light on it. The best way to provide heat would be to have an undertank heater (with the tub in the tank) or a heating pad (again with the tub in a tank elevated so no weight is on the heating pad). You will also want to measure the heat and humidity so that you can monitor it closely. Do not move the egg and let it roll around.

:at the present moment, i am incubating my box turtle egg in one of those small deli-containers filled with moistened bed-a-beast. i have the container sitting in an enclosure with a clamp light, 65 watt, beaming onto the egg at all times to keep the 80 degree temperature. is this ok? or is the light frying the egg? this is the 3rd day i've had the egg like this. if i did the wrong thing, is it too late to save the egg? thanks for your help!

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