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:) I'm glad everyone is okay! :) n/p

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Posted by Lacy on May 14, 2003 at 15:32:03:

In Reply to: :) Glad to hear ya'll are OK. Anyone heard from LisaOKC yet? posted by LisaOKC on May 13, 2003 at 22:05:37:

:Thanks for asking! Just got internet access back today. I'm in Edmond, so wasn't affected by the Moore area storm Thursday night (although our sirens went off) other than worrying about my spouse who was covering the storm for the paper. Friday night, the tornado hit a couple of miles south of us and four of us (2 kids, 2 parents) took cover in our utility room with three dogs, one cat and one cockatiel. I put 2 rabbit cages and aquariums with baby turtles in another protected area of the house and we covered the cages with couch cushions and blankets. When it was all over we had no power, phone, cable, and we lost two trees in the front yard to straight winds. One tall oak broke off in the middle and took out a redbud. But, we were lucky. Two trees is nothing compared to losing your home. My outdoor pen and surrounding area was unscathed. I covered the '99 storm for my photo agency and seeing all those destroyed homes left me feeling more vulnerable during tornado warnings than I used to feel.
:Anyway, thanks again for asking and I'm glad you didn't have any damage!

:::Hi guys,
:::How did you fare in the tornado? I hope everyone is okay. It hit one block away in two different directions from my house. We just got our power back on at 6:30 today. We're very lucky.
:::I walked around with a friend and we offered help to anyone cleaning their yards. Many people accepted. It's been a long, hot, tiring day, but I'm just happy I have a house :)
:::Again, I hope everyone is okay.

:::P.S. - :) There were 3 cats, 1 dog, my dad, my brother, and then me holding my leopard tortoise, Earnie, all piled into the hall closet :) I've got ten baby turtles in the house and when I ran up to my room I had to make a choice of which one turtle to grab! (I had a flashlight in the other hand) :) Earnie is my favorite, but shhhh.. don't tell the others that ;)



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