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Someone confirm my thoughts please

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Posted by greg_978 on May 10, 2003 at 09:27:11:

In Reply to: Someone confirm my thoughts please posted by John on May 08, 2003 at 19:39:15:

Sometimes when boxies wake up, they will have a little bit of pus in their eyes. If you rinse it out, it usually will not return. This is normal after hibernation.

Vitamin A deficiency is really quite rare... humidity is so much more often the cause of eye problems, if its not another infection (URI, etc). All too often people think "its got to be Vit A deficiency!".... but it rarely is. We really need to get the idea out there that it isnt really that common. The shots that unknowing vets give in such cases cause more harm than they cause. Of course, a little cod liver oil on the food occasionally never hurts... or just feed plenty of dark green veggies and some carrots or sweet potatos once in awhile... all high in vitamin A.

:Hey ya'll,

:found angie with a lil white pus comming from her eyes. This is caused by Vitamin (a?) deficiancy and the cause was (low humidity?). Not sure if those are correct, please correct me if I am wrong, or tell me if I am right. P

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